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发布日期:2024-11-26    点击:






2007.09–2010.07 硕士 内蒙古大学 化学

2003.09-2007.07 本科 内蒙古大学 应用化学


2010.08 -至今 副教授/硕士生导师 内蒙古科技大学 能源化学工程系


  1. 能源利用研究:褐煤腐殖酸高值化利用及其性能研究

  2. 能源储存研究:锂硫电池、钠离子电池性能研究

  3. 分子机制研究:小分子与大分子蛋白质相互作用的分子机制研究



1.Wang Menghan,Wang Xiaoxia*, Sun Jisheng,et al.The interaction between Resveratrol and Catalase was studied by multispectral method and molecular docking simulation [J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024,139720.(中科院SCI二区)

2.Wang Xiaoxia*, Sun Jisheng, Nie Zhihua,et al. The interaction between troxerutin and pepsin was studied by multispectral method and molecular docking simulation[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024, 1309: 138129.(中科院SCI二区)

3.Wang Xiaoxia*, Sun Jisheng, Ma Litong,et al.Characterization of the Interactions between Minocycline Hydrochloride and Trypsin with Spectroscopic and Molecular Docking Technology[J]. Molecules, 2023, 28 (6): 2656.(中科院SCI二区TOP)

4.Wang Xiaoxia*, Ma Litong, Sun Jisheng,et al.The interaction between theophylline and pepsin was studied by multispectral method and molecular docking simulation[J]. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 2024, 44(3):714.(中科院SCI三区)

5. Sun Jisheng,Wang Xiaoxia*, Nie Zhihua,et al.The interaction between Xanthan Gum and Bovine Serum Albumin was studied by Multispectral Method and Molecular Docking Simulation[J]. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2024, 53(5):726.(中科院SCI四区)

6. Sun Jisheng,Wang Xiaoxia*, Nie Zhihua,et al. Characterization of the interactions between Fulvic acid and Trypsin with Spectroscopic and Molecular Docking technology[J].Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2023,21(2):366.(中科院SCI三区)

7.Wang Xiaoxia*, Sun Jisheng, Nie Zhihua,et al. Effect of Chloramphenicol as Antibiotic on the Structure and Function of Pepsin and Its Mechanism of Action[J].Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2023,21(2):554.(中科院SCI三区)

8.Wang Xiaoxia*, Wu Hao, Nie Zhihua,et al.Characterization of the Interactions betweenFulvic Acid and Bovine Serum Albumin with Multispectral Method and Molecular Docking Technology[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2021, 41 (9): 2904.(中科院SCI三区)

9.Wang Xiaoxia*, Yu Yang, Ma Litong,et al.Characterization of the Interactions between Aureomycin Hydrochloride and Pepsin with Multispectral Method and Molecular Docking Technology[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2020, 40 (8): 2518.(中科院SCI三区)

10.Wang Xiaoxia*, Nie Zhihua, Ma Litong,et al. Characterization of the Interactions between Melomycin and Bovine Serum Albumin with Multispectral Method and Molecular Docking Technology[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2020, 40 (5): 1503.(中科院SCI三区)

11.Wang Xiaoxia*, Ma Litong, Nie Zhihua,et al. Characterization of the Interactions between Fulvic Acid and Pepsin with Multispectral Method and Molecular Docking Technology[J]. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2019, 40 (8): 2518.(中科院SCI四区)

12.Wang Xiaoxia*, Nie Zhihua, Ma Litong,et al. Characterization of the Interactions between Tetracycline Hydrochloride and Bovine Serum Albumin with Multispectral Method and Molecular Docking Technology[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2018, 38 (8): 2468.(中科院SCI三区)



奖励与荣誉(Award and Honor

  1. 2024年:第十届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,优秀创新创业导师

  2. 2024年:第十届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,内蒙古科技大学金奖(第一指导教师)

  3. 2023年:大学生创新创业训练计划项目(自治区级项目,第一指导教师)

  4. 2023年:第十三届“挑战杯”全区大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,自治区优秀奖(第一指导教师)

  5. 2023年:第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛, 内蒙古科技大学铜奖(第一指导教师)

  6. 2023年:第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛, 内蒙古科技大学优秀奖(第一指导教师)

  7. 2022年:荣获内蒙古科技大学第三届教师教学创新大赛,三等奖

  8. 2022年:荣获内蒙古科技大学第二届课程思政教学比赛,二等奖

  9. 2019年:荣获内蒙古科技大学本科优秀毕业设计指导教师

  10. 2015年:荣获内蒙古科技大学化学化工学院第四届青年教师课堂教学比赛,三等奖

  11. 2014年:荣获内蒙古科技大学师德先进个人奖

  12. 2013年:荣获内蒙古科技大学巾帼建功先进个人奖

